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重庆五盾科技有限公司 & 智能芯片防伪溯源整体方案解决商






General concepts of Anti-Counterfeiting, Anti-Counterfeiting technology, Anti-Counterfeiting products and Anti-Counterfeiting of products


Anti-counterfeiting refers to the prevention measures taken against the surface of activities that are copied or copied for the purpose of deception and without the consent of the owner.

②防伪技术,是指为了达到防伪目的而采取的在一定范围内能准确鉴别真伪并不易被仿制和复制的技术。Anti-counterfeiting technology refers to the technology that can accurately identify authenticity within a certain range and is not easily copied and copied in order to achieve Anti-Counterfeiting purposes.


Anti-Counterfeiting products are products made of Anti-Counterfeiting technology for the purpose of preventing forgery and have Anti-Counterfeiting functions.

④产品防伪,一般指工业产品和消费产品在防止假冒、伪造、仿造等方面所采用的各种防伪措施。产品防伪在防止产品被伪造或假冒、鉴别产品真伪方面发挥着越来越重要的作用,它是从源头确保国家经济秩序、生产者和消费者权益的重要措施,是以技术手段维护社会经济秩序、保证社会稳定的重要领域。产品防伪不仅是政府对假冒伪劣产品进行打防结合、综合治理指导思想的重要体现,更是广大企业保护自身合法权益的客观需要。产品防伪行业正是在规范市场经济秩序、遏制假冒伪劣产品中不断壮大发展起来的。The Anti-Counterfeiting of products generally refers to various anti-counterfeiting measures used by industrial products and consumer products to prevent counterfeiting, forgery, and counterfeiting. The Anti-Counterfeiting of products plays an increasingly important role in preventing their forgery or counterfeiting and in distinguishing their authenticity. It is an important measure to ensure the National economic order and the rights and interests of producers and consumers from the source. It is an important area for maintaining social and economic order and ensuring social stability by means of technology. The Anti-Counterfeiting of products is not only an important embodiment of the government's guiding ideology of combining defense with counterfeit and shoddy products, but also an objective need for enterprises to protect their legitimate rights and interests. The product Anti-Counterfeiting industry is in the standardization market economy order, check fake and shoddy products are growing.


Basic classification of Anti-Counterfeiting technology and Anti-Counterfeiting products

1、常见防伪技术主要有Common Anti-Counterfeiting technology:


Computer information Anti-Counterfeiting technology: such as the current popular digital Anti-Counterfeiting technology, electronic radio frequency technology;


Printing Anti-Counterfeiting technology: such as advanced printing plate design, double card technology, holographic laser printing technology;


Physical materials Anti-Counterfeiting technology: such as nuclear hole film, watermark landfill, safe wire landfill;


Chemical Anti-Counterfeiting technology: such as various chemical encryption inks, chemical preparations and other Anti-Counterfeiting technology;


 Human and biometric security technologies: such as human fingerprint recognition, DNA recognition, human Iris recognition, and so on.


According to functions and usage characteristics, Anti-Counterfeiting products can currently be classified into six categories:




Structure and packaging Anti-Counterfeiting products;


Anti-Counterfeiting materials(such as Anti-Counterfeiting paper, Anti-Counterfeiting film, Anti-Counterfeiting ink, etc.);


Computer multimedia Anti-Counterfeiting products;


biometric Anti-Counterfeiting technology products;


Other Anti-Counterfeiting technology products


Basic requirements for Anti-Counterfeiting technology or Anti-Counterfeiting products


In the world, China was the first country to put forward eight common technology requirements for Anti-Counterfeiting technology products.

1、身份的唯一性identity uniqueness

防伪技术产品防伪识别特征的惟一性和不可转移性。例如数码防伪,做到一件商品的防伪标识一个身份码,每一个防伪标识只能一次性使用,不能转移使用。The uniqueness and non-transferability of security identification features of Anti-Counterfeiting technology products. For example, digital Anti-Counterfeiting, to achieve a product's Anti-Counterfeiting logo an identity code, each Anti-Counterfeiting logo can only be used once, can not be transferred to use.

2、稳定期 stability period

在正常使用条件下,防伪技术产品的防伪识别特征可持续保持的最短时间。例如荧光油墨和温变油墨,有衰减期。Under normal conditions of use, the security identification features of Anti-Counterfeiting technology products can be maintained for the shortest period of time. For example, fluorescent ink and thermal ink, there is a decay period.

3、安全期security period


Under normal conditions of use, the security identification features of Anti-Counterfeiting technology products are successfully copied for the shortest time.

4、防伪力度Anti-counterfeiting strength

识别真伪、防止假冒伪造功能的持久性与可靠程度。防伪力度由防伪识别特征的数量、防伪技术独占性的数量、防制难度和仿制成本大小4要素构成。The persistence and reliability of the function of identifying authenticity and preventing counterfeiting. The Anti-Counterfeiting strength consists of the number of Anti-Counterfeiting identification features, the number of Anti-Counterfeiting technology monopoly, the difficulty of prevention, and the size of the imitation cost

5、使用适应性use adaptability

防伪技术产品的防伪识别特征能与标的物或服务对象使用要求相适应的能力。同时还应考虑经济成本适应性,即在满足防伪技术要求同时应尽可能降低使用成本。The security identification feature of the security technology product can adapt to the requirements of the object or service object. At the same time, consideration should also be given to economic cost adaptability, that is, to meet the security technology requirements while minimizing the cost of use.

6、识别性能recognition performance

防伪技术产品的防伪识别特征能通过感官或机器(仪器)在要求的识别时间内正确识别。一线识别强调防伪识别特征的大众共知性,通过感官即能识别;二线识别强调通过简单仪器(如电话通讯工具、网络工具、激光笔、紫外荧光灯等)即能识别;三线识别强调通过专用仪器(如DNA鉴定)由专家识别,作为司法判定的依据。二线识别与三线识别强调防伪识别特征的隐含性。The security identification features of the Anti-Counterfeiting technology products can be correctly identified through the senses or machines(instruments) within the required identification time. The first-line recognition emphasizes the common knowledge of the security identification characteristics, and can be recognized by the senses. Second line recognition emphasizes recognition through simple instruments(such as telephone communication tools, network tools, laser pens, ultraviolet fluorescent lamps, etc.); Three-line recognition emphasizes the identification by experts through specialized instruments(such as DNA identification) as a basis for judicial determination. Second line recognition and third line recognition emphasize the hidden features of security identification.

7、使用环境use environment


The Anti-Counterfeiting performance of Anti-Counterfeiting technology products should be able to meet the requirements of the normal use environment of the subject matter.

8、技术安全保密性Confidentiality of technical security


The technology of designing and making Anti-Counterfeiting technology products shall be secure and confidential.


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