参数Parameters:标签材质Label material: 75 番合成纸 (白色) 75 times synthetic paper ( white )天线制程方式Antenna manufacturing method: 铝蚀刻aluminum etchingAl(9μm)+PET(50μm) 符合标准Conforming to the standard: ISO/IEC 18000-6C EPC Class1 Gen2 芯片存储区Chip memory area: EPC 128Bits (可读可写readable and writable) TID 96Bits (可读不可写readable a
阅读详细重庆五盾科技有限公司获得中国质量认证监管委员会及全国品牌认证联盟联合颁发的《质量.服务.诚信AAA企业》证书。证书编号:CQCP-SA575.Chongqing wudun technology co., ltd. obtained the certificate of " AAA enterprise of quality, service and integrity" jointly issued by China quality certification regulatory Committee and national brand certification alliance. Certificate number: CQCP-SA575.
阅读详细斑马ZEBRA zT210主要参数Main parameter打印方式Printing mode:热敏/热转印 thermal / thermal transfer printing 条码打印机分辨率Bar code printer resolution:203dpi打印速度Printing speed:152mm/s打印宽度Print width:114mm最大打印长度Maximum print length:3988mm标签宽度Label width:19.4-114标签厚度Label thickness:0.076-0.25mm碳带长度Carbon tape length:300000mm碳带宽度Carbon tape width:51-110内存Memory:128MB接口类型Interface Type:RS-232C, USB 2.0其他参数Other pa
阅读详细RFID 出入库管理无源标签介绍:RFID out of the library management passive label introduction:规格:根据实际需求定制 Size: Customized to actual requirementsInlay封装:塑膜、 PET 、 PVC、 热敏纸、铜版纸不干胶Inlay package: plastic film, PET, PVC, thermal paper, copperplate paper dry glue容量: 可扩展至512bitCapacity: can be extended to 512 bit芯片chip:M4E工作模式: 读/写Mode of work: read/write读取距离: 4M(与读写器性能及工作环境有关)Reading distance: 4M(related to
阅读详细WD-五盾在线赋码系统介绍Online coding system: WD-五盾在线赋码系统技术是指通过油墨喷码机\激光打码机\自动贴标机等任何一种单一或多重组合设备与方式,结合相应的控制系统在企业生产包装现场流水线上为产品加载产品身份码的一种智能技术。其表现方式可以是数字码、一维码、二维码等多元素的结合。 on-line coding system technology refers to an intelligent technology that loads product identity codes for products on the production and packaging assembly line of an enterprise through any single or multiple comb
阅读详细农药产品溯源方案Tracing scheme:农药是与农民天天打交道的产品,而他们又是社会最基础的劳动人民,文化程度不高,容易上当受骗。假冒农药、以次充好、偷换包装等问题比比皆是。如何让农户简单快捷的辨识产品真伪,让企业有效控制渠道窜货呢?Pesticides are products that deal with farmers every day, and they are the most basic working people in society, with a low education level and easy to be cheated. There are many problems such as fake pesticides, shoddy use of pesticides, and packaging theft. How can farmers simp
阅读详细防窜货物流套标介绍: 物流套标结合了数码防伪系统,以计算机信息技术为基础并运用了现代密码学技术、通讯技术形成的新型高科技防伪技术,也是当今社会公认的一种最有效、最安全、最实用的防伪技术。Logistics package label combines digital anti-counterfeiting system, based on computer information technology and using modern cryptography and communication technology to form a new high-tech anti-counterfeiting technology, which is also recognized as the most effective, safe and practical anti
阅读详细区域防窜货标识同样以防伪标为基本载体,为不同区域以代码或指定符号作为区分。The regional anti-counterfeit mark is also used as the basic carrier, and codes or designated symbols are used to distinguish different regions.表现形式一:流水码形式在防伪标上标注0000000001-99999999999的流水码,产品出库时记录产品流向单位及所对应的产品流水码区间即可。Expression Form I: Pipeline Code FormThe anti-counterfeiting label is marked with the flow code of 000000001 - 99999999, and the flow unit of the
阅读详细重庆五盾科技有限公司,成立于 2017 年,国家高新技术企业、国家科技型中小企业,创新型中小企业、国家工业互联网入网企业、AAA 级诚信经营示范单位、是一家专业从事商品数字化创新研究与服务的高科技公司,国内率先应用 DNA 动态加密芯片开发场景应用落地的行业引航者。 公司一直秉承“坚守匠心精神,坚持创新意识,勇于追求卓越,力求多方共赢”的经营理念,以“促进行业发展,承担社会责任”为使命,依托“以客户需求为导向,视优质产品为生命,凭良好信誉求生存,靠创新思维图发展”的核心价值观,通过 RFID、NFC、IOT、GPS、AR、AI、BSN 等多项前沿技术打造了以动态加密芯片为核心驱动力的数智云生态体系。 目前,聚焦了“芯动码”--防伪