NFC动态芯片 • RFID电子标签 • 芯片防拆标签

重庆五盾科技有限公司 & 智能芯片防伪溯源整体方案解决商





 物流套标结合了数码防伪系统,以计算机信息技术为基础并运用了现代密码学技术、通讯技术形成的新型高科技防伪技术,也是当今社会公认的一种最有效、最安全、最实用的防伪技术。Logistics package label combines digital anti-counterfeiting system, based on computer information technology and using modern cryptography and communication technology to form a new high-tech anti-counterfeiting technology, which is also recognized as the most effective, safe and practical anti-counterfeiting technology in today's society.

 其基本实现过程是:防伪系统采用高强度加密算法为每一件产品生成一组唯一的、随机的防伪密码,并通过数码印刷等手段将防伪密码标识于产品之上,消费者只需通过打电话、上网、发短信等简单方式输入防伪密码即可准确鉴别该产品真伪。由于防伪密码由计算机随机生成,每一件产品一个,查询后即被记录作废,整个系统形成闭环控制,因此可以杜绝产品被批量假冒。The basic realization process is that the anti-counterfeiting system uses a high-strength encryption algorithm to generate a set of unique and random anti-counterfeiting codes for each product, and marks the anti-counterfeiting codes on the product by means of digital printing and the like, and consumers can accurately identify the authenticity of the product by simply inputting the anti-counterfeiting codes by making phone calls, surfing the Internet, sending short messages and the like. As the anti-counterfeiting password is randomly generated by the computer, one for each product is recorded and invalidated after inquiry, and the whole system forms a closed-loop control, so that the products can be prevented from being counterfeited in batches.

 同时,消费者进行产品真伪鉴别查询时,产品广告分别以语音或文字方式出现在查询过程和查询结果中,让每一次查询变成了对企业形象宣传和品牌的宣传。At the same time, when consumers check the authenticity of products, product advertisements appear in the query process and query results in the form of voice or text, making each query a propaganda of corporate image and brand


∷ 商品防伪追溯查询平台 ∷ 中国防伪行业协会 ∷ 阿里云 ∷ 华为云 ∷ 中国商标网 ∷ RFID世界网∷ NXP∷ ALIEN∷ 顺企网∷ 飞阳商务网∷ 渝快办
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