NFC动态芯片 • RFID电子标签 • 芯片防拆标签

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RFID 射频技术电子电子铅封介绍:

Introduction of RFID Radio Frequency Technology Electronic Lead Seal:

电子铅封是一种具有特殊自锁结构的防伪高频RFID电子标签,是专为各种防伪防盗等场合应用的一种特殊封印标签。这种标签为一次性使用,能够自锁,具有防撬功能,结构可靠;产品加封方便,采用手工即可完成加封,施封力≤100N;加封后,封线在不破坏产品的情况下不能拉出,其抗拉力≥100N。该产品已广泛应用于电表铅封、集装箱铅封、钱箱铅封、油罐车铅封等各种锁封场合。The electronic lead seal is an anti-counterfeiting high-frequency RFID electronic tag with a special self-locking structure, and is a special seal tag specially used for various anti-counterfeiting and anti-theft occasions. The label is disposable, self - locking, anti - prying and reliable in structure. The product can be sealed easily by hand with sealing force ≤ 100N. After sealing, the sealing wire cannot be pulled out without damaging the product, and its tensile force is ≥ 100N. This product has been widely used in various locking occasions such as meter sealing, container sealing, money box sealing, oil tanker sealing and so on.

RFID 射频技术电子电子铅封特点:

RFID Radio Frequency Technology Electronic Lead Seal Characteristics:


Each chip has an unalterable unique identifier ( serial number ) to ensure the uniqueness of each tag


 Operating distance: 0 ~ 4 cm ( depending on antenna geometry and reader power )

    3、工作频率:13.56 MHz(工业安全,许可世界范围自由使用)

Working frequency: 13.56 MHz ( industrial safety, free use worldwide )


It has the functions of self-locking and anti - prying. It is easy to seal and must be destroyed before it can be opened


The electronic part of the seal is closely combined with the mechanical part to ensure that the electronic part will fail at the same time when the seal is broken


small size and light weight


Data retention capacity over 10 years


 Erase cycle is more than 100,000 times

RFID 射频技术电子电子铅封适用领域:

RFID Radio Frequency Technology Electronic Lead Seal Application Field;:


 Digital Seal of Electric Meter


Electronic Seal of Cash Box Tail Box


 Container Seal


Seal of Tank Truck


Anti - theft management of electronic exhibits


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