NFC动态芯片 • RFID电子标签 • 芯片防拆标签

重庆五盾科技有限公司 & 智能芯片防伪溯源整体方案解决商




二维码防伪标识的介绍Introduction of Two - dimensional Code Anti - counterfeiting :

二维码技术的防伪功能,自21世纪以来被大范围的应用于各个生产领域,从食品加工到机械制造都可以看到大量的二维码防伪技术的广泛应用。二维码防伪标签正是因为它独一无二的防伪图案,美观大方的同时更包含着大量的信息内容,客户只需拿起手机便可以及时便捷的查询产品生产日期、生产地、产品信息等内容。The anti-counterfeiting function of two-dimensional code technology has been widely used in various production fields since the 21st century, and a large number of two-dimensional code anti-counterfeiting technologies can be widely used from food processing to mechanical manufacturing. The two-dimensional code anti-counterfeiting label is precisely because of its unique anti-counterfeiting pattern, which is beautiful and elegant and also contains a large amount of information content. Customers only need to pick up the mobile phone to query the product production date, production place, product information and other contents in a timely and convenient manner.


二维码防伪标识的特点Features of two-dimensional code anti-counterfeiting mark:

1.唯一性 系统赋予每一个产品一个唯一的防伪编码并标识于产品或包装上,如同每一个人都有唯一的身份证号码一样,产品可以被假冒复制但码却是唯一。The uniqueness system gives each product a unique anti-counterfeiting code and marks it on the product or package, just as each person has a unique ID number, the product can be counterfeited but the code is unique.

2.消费者便于识别和查询 消费者无需学习专门的识别技巧,只需通过手机扫描QR条形码,发送短信息,查询商品的真伪,非常方便。It is very convenient for consumers to identify and inquire about the authenticity of goods by scanning QR bar codes and sending short messages through mobile phones without learning special identification skills.

3.低成本 数码防伪标签制作非常简单,只需我们常见的不干胶、铜版纸和激光防伪标签上加印QR条码级即可,增加的成本微乎其微。The production of low-cost digital anti-counterfeiting labels is very simple. We only need to print QR bar codes on our common self - adhesive, coated paper and laser anti-counterfeiting labels, and the added cost is minimal.

4.使用的一次性 对产品的每一枚防伪标识物在一般情况下,只能使用一次。一经使用,刮开涂层或揭开表层,防伪标识物即可明显破坏,从而有别于未使用的其它防伪标识物。经授权的特殊产品或贵重物品,可通过系统服务中心的技术处理,在首次查询后,其合法所有人可享有多次查询权。由此扩大了防伪标识的使用范围。Under normal circumstances, one-time use of each anti-counterfeiting mark of the product can only be used once. Once used, the anti-counterfeiting mark can be obviously destroyed by scraping off the coating or uncovering the surface layer, thus being different from other anti-counterfeiting marks that are not used. Authorized special products or valuables can be handled through the technology of the system service center. After the first inquiry, their legal owners can enjoy the right of multiple inquiries. Therefore, the application range of the anti-counterfeiting mark is expanded.

5.管理的统一性 此防伪标识物可用于任何种类的商品上利用遍布全国的电话网络建立起全国性的打假防伪网络随时监控、统一管理。Uniformity of Management This anti-counterfeiting label can be used for any kind of commodity to set up a national anti-counterfeiting anti-counterfeiting network to monitor and manage at any time.

6.打假的及时性 每一个数码在每一次进行系统认证时,均会被系统记录下来认证的相关信息,包括时间、认证的电话号码等。根据某件商品防伪数码被查询的次数,及查询号码的来源,就可以判断商品的真假,可以判断假冒商品所处的地区,可以及时提供准确线索通知执法部门,准确、及时的打击造假者。QR码防伪即便捷又能够极大地提高企业与消费者的互动性提高企业的知名度、信誉度。

Timeliness of Counterfeiting Fake Every digital number will be recorded by the system with relevant authentication information, including time, authentication phone number, etc. According to the number of times the anti-counterfeiting code of a certain commodity is queried and the source of the query number, the authenticity of the commodity can be judged, the region where the counterfeit commodity is located can be judged, accurate clues can be provided in time to inform law enforcement departments, and counterfeiters can be attacked accurately and promptly. QR code anti-counterfeiting is not only convenient but also can greatly improve the interaction between enterprises and consumers and enhance the visibility and credibility of enterprises.


∷ 商品防伪追溯查询平台 ∷ 中国防伪行业协会 ∷ 阿里云 ∷ 华为云 ∷ 中国商标网 ∷ RFID世界网∷ NXP∷ ALIEN∷ 顺企网∷ 飞阳商务网∷ 渝快办
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