NFC动态芯片 • RFID电子标签 • 芯片防拆标签

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由于NTAG21x标签IC具有高输入电容,因此该产品尤为适用于要求具有小尺寸的应用,而不会降低性能。小型NFC标签可更轻松地嵌入产品标签或电子设备等目标中。Thanks to the high input capacitance, NTAG21x tag ICs are particularly tailored for applications requiring small footprints, without compromise on performance. Small NFC tags can be more easily embedded into e.g. product labels or electronic devices.


& 非接触式数据和电能传输

Contactless transmission of data and supply energy

& 工作频率:13.56 MHz

Operating frequency of 13.56 MHz

& 数据传输:106 kbit/s

Data transfer of 106 kbit/s

& 数据完整性:16位CRC、奇偶校验、位编码、位计数

Data integrity of 16-bit CRC, parity, bit coding, bit counting

& 工作距离:最远100 mm (取决于不同参数,如场强和天线几何尺寸)

Operating distance up to 100 mm (depending on various parameters as e.g. field strength and antenna geometry)

& 7字节序列号(符合ISO/IEC 14443-3级联2级)

7-byte serial number (cascade level 2 according to ISO/IEC 14443-3)

& 用于自动序列化NDEF消息的UID ASCII镜像

UID ASCII mirror for automatic serialization of NDEF messages

& 接收到读取命令时自动触发NFC计数器

Automatic NFC counter triggered at a reading command

& NFC计数器的ASCII镜像可自动将NFC计数器值添加到NDEF消息

NFC counter ASCII mirror for automatic adding the NFC counter value to the NDEF message

& 基于ECC的独创性签名

ECC based originality signature

& 快速读取命令

Fast read command

& 真正防干扰

True anticollision

& 50 pF输入电容

50 pF input capacitance

存储器 EEPROM        

& 180字节、540字节或924字节,以45页、135页或231页、每页4字节进行组织

180, 540 or 924 bytes organized in 45, 135 or 231 pages with 4 bytes per page

& 144字节、504字节或888字节用户可自由读/写区(36页、126页或222页)

144, 504 or 888 bytes freely available user Read/Write area (36, 126 or 222 pages)

& 4字节初始化功能容器,带一次性编程访问位

4 bytes initialized capability container with one-time programmable access bits

& 前16页每页具有场可编程只读锁定功能

Field programmable read-only locking function per page for the first 16 pages

& 前16页之后具有每两页(NTAG213)或每16页(NTAG215和NTAG216)现场可编程只读锁定功能

Field programmable read-only locking function above the first 16 pages per double page for NTAG213 or per 16 pages for NTAG215 and NTAG216

& 可配置密码保护,失败尝试次数限制可选

Configurable password protection with an optional limit of unsuccessful attempts

& 功能容器(CC)和锁位支持防修改功能

Anti-tearing support for capability container (CC) and lock bits

& 支持ECC的独创检查

ECC supported originality check

& 数据保存期为10年

Data retention time of 10 years

& 写入操作耐受程度为100,000个周期

Write endurance 100,000 cycles


& 每个器件具有一个制造商编程的7字节UID

Manufacturer programmed 7-byte UID for each device

& 功能容器,带有一次性可编程位

Pre-programmed Capability container with one-time programmable bits

& 具有现场可编程只读锁定功能

Field programmable read-only locking function

& 基于ECC的独创性签名

ECC based originality signature

& 32位密码保护功能可防止未授权的存储器操作

32-bit password protection to prevent unauthorized memory operations


智能防干扰功能允许在场内同时操作多个标签。防干扰算法分别选择每一个标签,并确保选定的标签正确执行交易,不会因为现场存在另一个标签而受到干扰。An intelligent anticollision function allows operating more than one tag in the field simultaneously. The anticollision algorithm selects each tag individually and ensures that the execution of a transaction with a selected tag is performed correctly without interference from another tag in the field.

非接触式电能和数据传输Contactless energy and data transfer


Communication to NTAG21x can be established only when the IC is connected to an antenna.

NTAG21x位于RF范围内时,高速RF通信接口允许数据的传输波特率为106 kb/ s。

When NTAG21x is positioned in the RF field, the high-speed RF communication interface allows the transmission of the data with a baud rate of 106 kbit/s.


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