NFC动态芯片 • RFID电子标签 • 芯片防拆标签

重庆五盾科技有限公司 & 智能芯片防伪溯源整体方案解决商




 WD-防窜货系统anti - channeling system: 

    五盾WD-防窜货系统集成应用了数码喷印、自动采集、计算机、网络通信等高新技术,结合全新的物流追溯管理理念,通过为每件产品提供一个指定位数(数字或者字母)身份信息码(可通过在产品或包装上数码喷印或贴标),结合互联网,实现产品的生产厂、经销商、消费者之间的产品信息互动,为企业解决产品防伪、防窜货等一系列问题提供了依据The WD - anti - channeling system integrates high and new technologies such as digital printing, automatic collection, computer and network communication, combines with a new logistics traceability management concept, provides a designated digit ( number or letter ) identity information code for each product ( which can be digitally printed or labeled on the product or package ), and combines with the Internet to realize product information interaction among product manufacturers, distributors and consumers, providing a basis for enterprises to solve a series of problems such as product anti-counterfeiting and anti - channeling.

方式一 Mode 1:

物流套标形式Logistics Package Form

通过事先关联关系的物流防窜防伪套标,分别按包装对应规格贴于产品指定位置,让每一单品都有自己独立且有关联关系的“身份防伪码”,出库扫描箱用条码,定义货品流向信息,后期可通过任何一组防伪码或箱用窜码查询窜货信息。(以白酒为例 )Through the logistics anti-channeling and anti-counterfeiting package labels associated with each item in advance, they are respectively attached to the designated positions of the products according to the corresponding packaging specifications, so that each item has its own independent and associated " identity anti-counterfeiting code", and the barcode is used to scan the box out to define the flow information of the goods. In the later stage, the information of goods channeling can be queried through any group of anti-counterfeiting codes or box codes. ( Take Liquor as an Example )

方式二Mode 2:

现场赋码关联形式On - site Code Assignment Association Form

通过生产现场的赋码系统对产品赋予唯一的身份赋码。每一个号码都不相同,每一件产品都有唯一的“身份识别码”。实现产品的一、二、三级产品包装数据关联。相应的关联数码存储于计算机数据库系统中,并在一定时间上传到系统服务器。当企业向经销商发货时,利用手持终端(PDA)扫描出库产品包装箱上的条码并自动记录销往的地区。根据系统会对产品一、二、三级包装上不同标识间的关联关系和出库信息。企业市场管理人员或经销商可随时查询每件产品上的身份码,快速确认产品是否伪劣假冒,是否窜货。The product is assigned a unique identity code through the code assignment system on the production site. Each number is different and each product has a unique " ID". To realize the first, second and third level product packaging data association. The corresponding associated numbers are stored in the computer database system and uploaded to the system server at a certain time. When an enterprise delivers goods to a distributor, a handheld terminal ( PDA ) is used to scan the bar code on the outbound product packaging box and automatically record the area sold. According to the relationship and outbound information between different labels on the first, second and third-level packages. Enterprise market management personnel or dealers can check the identity code of each product at any time to quickly confirm whether the product is fake or not and whether it has jumped into the market.

窜货查询Search for goods in transit

 产品身份可通过人工、短信、电话、网络的方式查询。在产品上或包装上均可看到产品身份码标识码。消费者只需要将产品身份码输入相应的查询系统,或扫描二维码,系统便反馈产品真假、经销地点等产品信息。The product identity can be queried manually, via SMS, phone, and online. The product identification code can be seen on the product or on the package. The consumer only needs to input the product identification code into the corresponding inquiry system or scan the two-dimensional code, and the system will feed back product information such as product authenticity and distribution location.     

现场生产赋码系统对产品进行赋码同时可对每条生产线产品种类、产品数量进行快速准确的统计。通过系统的统计能快速准确的得出指一定时期的有效生产量。The on-site production coding system can code products and quickly and accurately count the product types and quantity of each production line. Through systematic statistics, we can quickly and accurately get the effective production in a certain period.     

通过对发货信息的扫描采集,可快速统计企业销售产品种类与数量。并可对各经销商的销售数据分析。通过对生产信息与销售信息的统计,依据这些信息给企业决策提供真实依据。By scanning and collecting the shipping information, we can quickly count the types and quantities of products sold by enterprises. And can analyze the sales data of each dealer. Through the statistics of production information and sales information, according to these information to provide real basis for enterprise decision - making.

WD-防窜货系统特点System characteristics: 

     1. 采用ajax技术,异步业务处理、优秀的用户体验。

Using Ajax technology, asynchronous business processing, excellent user experience.

    2. 多服务分布式支持,提供高效的扩展,支持多服务器运行能力。

Multi - service distributed support, providing efficient expansion and supporting multi-server operation capability.  

      3. 简单稳定的核心平台,简易的二次开发。

Simple and stable core platform and simple secondary development.  

      4. 条码化信息管理、赋予原料与产品的生命信息。

Barcode information management, giving life information to raw materials and products.

  5. 生产投料的自动化控制,保证产品的生产质量。

Automatic control of production and feeding to ensure product quality.

  6. 产品的生产原料追踪,包括生产的批次、生产的原料信息、提供商信息等。

Tracking of production raw materials of products, including production batch, production raw material information, provider information, etc.

  7. 产品防窜货管控与追踪,及时反映产品的销售信息,包括经销商、销售区域、销售时间等。

Control and follow-up of products to prevent cross - shipment, and timely reflect the sales information of products, including dealers, sales areas and sales time.

  8. 产品物流追溯,精确跟踪产品的流通过程,产品的每一次活动都在掌握之中。

Product logistics tracing, accurately tracking the product circulation process, every activity of the product is under control.

  9. 系统采用n层DC管理、轻松支持从CDC、RDC到经销商的DC的任意层级管理,同时支持库区/位的n层划分,精确定位产品位置。The system adopts N - level DC management, easily supports any level of DC management from CDC and RDC to dealers, and supports N - level division of the reservoir area / bit to accurately locate the product position.  

     10. 支持多种角色的平台管理,比如企业、经销商、终端用户等不同角色的用户管理,实现统一平台的应用。Support platform management of multiple roles, such as user management of different roles such as enterprises, distributors and end users, and realize the application of a unified platform.

  11. 提供智能决策(BI)功能、从生产、库存、销售、采购等信息的数据中挖掘出其中的规律,提供决策支持。Provide intelligent decision-making ( BI ) function, dig out the rules from the data of production, inventory, sales, procurement and other information, and provide decision support. 

       12. 提供与第三方系统的接口整合,如:ERP、OA、CRM等。

Provide interface integration with third-party systems, such as ERP, OA, CRM, et


∷ 商品防伪追溯查询平台 ∷ 中国防伪行业协会 ∷ 阿里云 ∷ 华为云 ∷ 中国商标网 ∷ RFID世界网∷ NXP∷ ALIEN∷ 顺企网∷ 飞阳商务网∷ 渝快办
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