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重庆五盾科技有限公司 & 智能芯片防伪溯源整体方案解决商





Anti - counterfeiting of Digital Holographic Two - dimensional Code:

数字全息二维码,是以炫彩美观的全息效果替代现有市场上印刷油墨单黑二维码,不仅具有绚丽多彩、美轮美奂的装饰效果,且具有全息防伪功能。数字全息二维码不仅可进行在线工业级扫描,手持机、智能手机等均可识读。The digital holographic two-dimensional code replaces the single black two-dimensional code printed with ink on the existing market with a colorful and beautiful holographic effect, not only has a gorgeous and beautiful decorative effect, but also has a holographic anti-counterfeiting function. The digital holographic two-dimensional code can not only be scanned at the online industrial level, but also be read by hand-held machines and smart phones.

目前市场上的条码均为印刷油墨条码,在全息上赋载条码还是空白。主要原因是扫描光被全息光散射而无法识读条码信息。At present, the bar codes on the market are all printed ink bar codes, and the bar codes loaded on the hologram are still blank. The main reason is that scanning light is scattered by holographic light and bar code information cannot be read.

数字全息二维码,采用的是专用的条码制作软件及特殊的制作工艺,避开全息光的干扰,识读器及智能手机可正常识读条码信息。The digital holographic two-dimensional code uses special bar code production software and special production technology to avoid the interference of holographic light, and the reader and smart phone can normally read bar code information.

国内防伪行业,基本上都是使用印刷油墨条码物流防伪标,数字全息条码可制作成激光物流条码标,填补行业空白。In the domestic anti-counterfeiting industry, printing ink bar codes are basically used for logistics anti-counterfeiting labels, and digital holographic bar codes can be made into laser logistics bar codes to fill the industry gap.


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