NFC动态芯片 • RFID电子标签 • 芯片防拆标签

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诺贝尔物理学奖的相关高科技——“石墨烯聚合屏”,石墨烯聚合屏是由石墨烯制成的柔性薄膜显示屏,激活后可以显示文字或图案,内含定制通用型RFID标签,是石墨烯技术在高端防伪领域的尖端技术和最新应用。The relevant high-tech of the Nobel Prize in Physics, " Graphene Polymerization Screen", is a flexible film display screen made of graphene, which can display characters or patterns after activation and contains customized universal RFID tags. It is the cutting-edge technology and the latest application of graphene technology in the high-end anti-counterfeiting field.

1、利用石墨烯或其他二维材料形成“原子级”数据,将数据预留在产品一对一的身份防伪标签中,用户使用智能机的NFC功能,靠近石墨烯防伪标签,手机就接收并立刻显示产品相关信息,石墨烯防伪标签本身也会变色凸厂家预留的信息,从而确定产品真伪,以此最大程度的遏止假冒伪劣。Use graphene or other two-dimensional materials to form " atomic level" data, and reserve the data in the one-to-one identity anti-counterfeiting label of the product. Users use NFC function of the smartphone to get close to the graphene anti-counterfeiting label, and the mobile phone will receive and immediately display the relevant information of the product. The graphene anti-counterfeiting label itself will also change the information reserved by the manufacturer, so as to determine the authenticity of the product and to prevent counterfeiting to the greatest extent.

2、打开智能手机应用程序靠近或者接触它,就能分析出这些小薄片的独特信号,从而根据“指纹”正确与否,判断产品的真伪。Open the smart phone application to approach or touch it, and you can analyze the unique signals of these small slices, so as to judge the authenticity of the product according to whether the " fingerprint" is correct or not.


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