NFC动态芯片 • RFID电子标签 • 芯片防拆标签

重庆五盾科技有限公司 & 智能芯片防伪溯源整体方案解决商





Antenna size can be designed according to label specifications.

五盾科技的防转移芯片防伪标采用的芯片INLAY与易碎INLAY不同,其特点是当芯片INLAY与合成纸,铜板纸,易碎纸等材料封装复合后贴于商品上,当标签被揭启后,其中一部份INAYL与剥离纸一起脱离,一部份INLAY留在了被贴物上,此时,标签破坏,同时由于天线断裂,芯片数据无法被再次识读。从而达到标签被整体转移的目的,进一步提高了防伪性能。The anti-counterfeit label of anti-transfer chip of wudun Technology uses chip INLAY which is different from fragile INLAY. It is characterized in that when the chip INLAY is packaged and compounded with synthetic paper, copper board paper, fragile paper and other materials and pasted on the commodity, when the label is uncovered, part of INAYL is separated from the stripping paper and part of the INLAY is left on the pasted object. At this time, the label is damaged and the chip data cannot be read again due to the breakage of the antenna. So as to achieve the purpose that the label is transferred integrally and further improve the anti-counterfeiting performance.

芯片特性Chip Features:

 √ 非接触式数据和电能传输

Contactless transmission of data and supply energy

 √ 工作频率:13.56 MHz

Operating frequency of 13.56 MHz

 √ 数据传输:106 kbit/s

Data transfer of 106 kbit/s

 √ 数据完整性:16位CRC、奇偶校验、位编码、位计数

Data integrity of 16-bit CRC, parity, bit coding, bit counting

 √ 工作距离:最远100 mm (取决于不同参数,如场强和天线几何尺寸)

Operating distance up to 100 mm (depending on various parameters as e.g. field strength and antenna geometry)

 √ 7字节序列号(符合ISO/IEC 14443-3级联2级)

7-byte serial number (cascade level 2 according to ISO/IEC 14443-3)

 √ 用于自动序列化NDEF消息的UID ASCII镜像

UID ASCII mirror for automatic serialization of NDEF messages

 √ 接收到读取命令时自动触发NFC计数器

Automatic NFC counter triggered at a reading command

 √ NFC计数器的ASCII镜像可自动将NFC计数器值添加到NDEF消息

NFC counter ASCII mirror for automatic adding the NFC counter value to the NDEF message

 √ 基于ECC的独创性签名

ECC based originality signature

 √ 快速读取命令

Fast read command

 √ 真正防干扰

True anticollision

 √ 50 pF输入电容

50 pF input capacitance


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